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CLOSED to the public at 1 PM on Sunday, March 16 (Sensory Sunday)!


IlluminOdyssey 2018 Exhibit Guide

IlluminOdyssey 2018 digital exhibit guide below. IlluminOdyssey, A Winter Lights Exhibits For Kids, November 2, 2018 – January 6, 2019. Plan your visit!

First Floor:

Pneumatic Ball Launcher 

Experience this CuriOdyssey classic in a new light (ultraviolet!). Scientific phenomena: pressure, kinetic energy, fluorescence. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Additive Color Patterns 

Dance on a floor alive with overlapping colored light projections. Catch colored light and cast surprising shadows. Scientific phenomena: additive colored light mixing. Designed by CuriOdyssey.


Observe the dynamic animations and then create your own design by twisting the individual dials on the interactive canvas. Scientific phenomena: light, color. Designed by Hero Design.

Hex Lights 

Unleash a wave of chasing colored light that guides you further into IlluminOdyssey. Scientific phenomena: light, color. Designed by Soroosh Hedayati, featured on ramp.

Second Floor:

Astro Botanicals

Wander slowly through an otherworldly garden of inflatable sculptures. Look for patterns inspired by classical geometry and the structures of plants as you watch the glowing sculptures change color. Scientific phenomena: light, color, space, geometry, structures. Designed by Stan Clark.

Third Floor:

Laser Projections and Geometric Village

Explore clusters of geometric huts and observe colored laser projections as they rise, fall and play off the floor and surfaces. Scientific phenomena: light, color, space, geometry, structures. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Suspended Glow Rings

Visit a grove of suspended, luminous, layered rings that create a canopy overhead in this sculptural installation. Scientific phenomena: light, color, space, geometry. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Fourth Floor:

Painting With Light

Explore light and shadow or create a design with penlights on the table. Use your phone camera to “freeze” your shadow on the wall. The table and wall have phosphorescent surfaces that create a luminescent “canvas” to experiment. Scientific phenomena:  light, photoluminescence. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Optical Mosaic

Create patterns in rich, colored light with light boxes that contain mirrored tubes. Arrange layers of various chromatic filters and see the light fluctuate through a spectrum of hues. Scientific phenomena: patterns, light, color, filtering, subtractive light mixing. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Umbrella Globe Light

Investigate how the colored light changes appearance as it passes through shimmering, diffusive material on five umbrellas. Scientific phenomena:  light, color, diffusion. Designed by CuriOdyssey.


Take this CuriOdyssey classic for a spin and entertain visitors on the lower levels. Scientific phenomena: persistence of vision, light, color. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Firefly Drum

Make beads dance in an energetic and chaotic way as you tap on the “drum.” The beads are fluorescent and glow under an ultraviolet light source, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Scientific phenomena: pressure, kinetic energy, fluorescence. Designed by Mike Sullivan.

Tessellation Table

Puzzle away creating different patterns with tangram shapes that glow under ultraviolet light. Scientific phenomena: geometry, fluorescence. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Fluorescent Drawing Tables

The ink in the highlighter markers emit fluorescent light under an ultraviolet light source, allowing artists to create drawings that glow! Scientific phenomena: fluorescence. Designed by CuriOdyssey.


Turn the knobs and observe this CuriOdyssey classic with a new twist: fluorescence! Scientific phenomena:  geometry, fluorescence. Designed by CuriOdyssey.

Plan your visit! IlluminOdyssey for a limited time, included with daily admission or CuriOdyssey membership. #CuriOdyssey #IlluminOdyssey





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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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