CuriOdyssey Animal Rescue Day
Visitors were thrilled to see all the amazing, adorable and adoptable pets from Andy’s Pet Adoption Center on CuriOdyssey’s Animal Rescue Day.
Regina, a gorgeous green iguana, greeted guests at the door to CuriOdyssey’s Redwood Hall.
Visitors met Poppy, a very friendly Argentine black and white tegu lizard. Tegus are the only lizard species known to thermoregulate body temperature! Click here to see her tongue!
Visitors saw color come alive on Rio, the Brazilian rainbow boa, in the sunlight. His keeled scales appear iridescent as they refract sunlight. Click here to see him moving in the sunlight to show his beautiful colors!
Have you ever seen a chameleon’s colors? Click here to see Spot, Andy’s Pet Adoption Center’s veiled chameleon, explores his environment.
When is the last time you could pat a python?
Other adoptable animals included a leopard gecko, bearded dragon, pacman frog and African sideneck turtle. There were even hissing cockroaches!
Sunny the craned Amazon parrot checked out the scene.
Don’t miss CuriOdyssey’s next S.T.E.A.M. event!
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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434