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Won’t you join us? Earth Day Celebration 2013

CuriOdyssey’s Earth Day celebration is something that staff and volunteers look forward to each year. It’s a set-aside day that we pay homage to this amazing planet. It’s also a great time to investigate the science behind what makes this world such an incredible place.


This is the sixth year we’ve held our Earth Day celebration, and each year is a little different than the last. This year we’re focused on helping kids discover the kinds of tools they need to understand the changing world. By that token, our educators will have science stations around the grounds with some of the usual suspects – microscopes, magnifying glasses, compasses, and more – so kids can experiment and learn how to use these tools of the science trade.


For those kids who really like to get their hands dirty, there will be plenty of opportunities. We’ll be making native flower “seed bombs” for planting (or guerilla gardening!), and crafting eco-journals that can serve as a repository for astute scientific observations. And of course, we’ll have plenty of volunteers with roving animals and opportunities to make “enrichment” for CuriOdyssey’s native, non-releasable animals.

This year, we’ll also be collaborating with some amazing partners. Pacific Coast Falconry will be coming to fly falcons, and The Beekeepers’ Guild of San Mateo County will bring by their beekeeping supplies to accompany our buzzing hive. The Museum of Craft and Design will even be showing kids how to create art projects from ephemera and other reusable materials.

And what CuriOdyssey event would be complete without an incredible science activity? Enter the CuriOdyssey Egg Crusher. It will answer the age old question – how many pounds of weight can an egg withstand? You’ll have to come to Earth Day to find out!

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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
[email protected]

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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