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Volunteer Spotlight: Tish Palmer Named Volunteer of the Year

Tonaka Kendrick Awards Tish Palmer Volunteer of the Year

Hello! My name is Tish Palmer. I have been a volunteer at CuriOdyssey since 2012: 11 Years! I chose to become a volunteer at CuriOdyssey at the suggestion of my son, Corey.

I remember transporting students to Coyote Point to visit the Coyote Point Junior Museum as a School Bus Driver in the 1970s. I can recall that the students were always excited to see all of the different animals and birds.

At that time everything was housed in small cages inside an old “Quonset hut” and there was no CuriOdyssey. On the first day that I became a volunteer I was asked to be an aide in the aviary. After that first day I knew that this would be a great place to be because I have always had an attraction for birds.

My fondest memory of being an aviary aide was the opportunity to observe Lefty, a black crowned night heron, make a nest for each new bird that arrived. Eventually he fathered two black crowned night heron chicks. Both chicks were raised in the aviary until they were old enough to be sent to other aviaries.

I wake up every Thursday morning and look forward to seeing all of the birds, the animals and all of my friends at CuriOdyssey.


Tish Palmer

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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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