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Fall 2018 Volunteer Program Update

It’s been a busy fall for our volunteer program:

  • Four new Docents and three new TWIGs completed their Wildlife Interpretation training in early October! We have also been busy training new Wildlife Watchers to help record animal behavior for our animal welfare program.
  • 595 volunteer hours were recorded in September and 431 in October. Of these, 209 hours in September/October were contributed by our group volunteers who came from Oracle and SAP for BioBlitzes; San Mateo Boys & Girls Club, Wells Fargo, Franklin-Templeton, and National Charity League for Coastal Cleanup; and Salesforce for marsh restoration work. Thank you!
  • Volunteer Celebration planning has begun. The planning committee is meeting monthly to prepare!

Volunteer Program Info:

  • Except for our one-time conservation projects, most of our volunteer opportunities require a long-term commitment of at least 6 months to 1 year.
  • Most of our on-going volunteer positions require the equivalent of 50 hours (or more) of service per year.
  • Age requirements vary by position. The youngest someone can be to volunteer on a regular basis is 13 years old.
  • If anyone is interested in volunteering, please check out this webpage, which lists open positions and enables you to complete an online volunteer application!
  • Some positions require separate applications. This is clearly explained when the position is listed as open.

Thank you for your interest in CuriOdyssey’s volunteer program update!

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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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