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CLOSED to the public at 1 PM on Sunday, March 16 (Sensory Sunday)!

CuriOdyssey will be closed to the public Wednesday, March 12, due to high winds in the afternoon. Our Homeschool program in the morning, and the private event that evening will continue as scheduled.

Please keep an eye out for further details from our education or events team.Please continue to check our website and social media for the latest safety and closure updates.


A tribute to our coyote, Sierra

We’re so sad to announce the passing of our nineteen year-old coyote, Sierra.

Sierra the coyote at CuriOdyssey

Sierra was born in 1995 and came to us in 1997. She was rescued from a private citizen that kept her as an illegal pet. Although she was young, she was too habituated to humans to be released back into the wild. Since her arrival to CuriOdyssey, she helped educate thousands of people and has been a valuable ambassador for coyotes in the wild. She allowed visitors see the beauty of her species and why they are an important and essential part of a healthy ecosystem.

Sierra the coyote tribute

“Since Sierra’s arrival, she has fascinated visitors,” said Nikii Finch-Morales, Director of Wildlife. “We are so sad to see her pass away, but we’re glad to have provided a supportive environment for her in which to live. We are very grateful to Sierra for bringing joy to our staff, volunteers and visitors.”

You’ll be missed, Sierra.

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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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