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CuriOdyssey will close early today at 3 PM on Sunday, March 2, due to expected weather conditions.
Please continue to check our website and social media for the latest safety and closure updates


Summer Camp Sessions & Registration

To register for camp:

Camp CuriOdyssey serves children entering TK through rising fourth graders. TK campers must be at least 4 years old at the start of their camp week to enroll.

Membership: You MUST be a current member at the time you register for camp. To purchase a membership, visit our Membership page.

The children you register MUST be on YOUR membership. This means that camp registration is restricted to the Family Level and above, as the Individual Plus Level does not include children. To upgrade your membership, please contact our Membership Department at [email protected].

Please note: Membership to CuriOdyssey does not guarantee a space in camp. All memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. Membership is a 100% tax-deductible donation. Unsure of your membership status? Please contact our Membership Department at [email protected].

For general questions about Camp CuriOdyssey, please contact our Education Department at [email protected].

Camp Times and Fees

Entering TK–Kinder 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM $635/week $512/week
Entering 1st–4th Camps 9:00 AM–4:00 PM $885/week $712/week
Post-Camp Care*** 4:15 PM–5:00 PM $50/week $40/week

Entering TK–Kinder
Time: 9:00 AM–1:00 PM
Price: $635/week
Week 4 (6/30–7/3) Price**: $512/week

Entering 1st–4th Camps
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Price: $885/week
Week 4 (6/30–7/3) Price**: $712/week

Post-Camp Care***
Time 4:15 PM–5:00 PM
Price: $50/week
Week 4 (6/30–7/3) Price**: $40/week

**During the week of July 4, Camp CuriOdyssey will run from Monday, June 30 to Thursday, July 3.

***Post-camp care is not available for Entering TK–Kinder.

Read about the camp themes below the schedule. The Camp Schedule is available as a PDF (500KB) document.

Camp Schedule

Week 1: June 9 – June 13 Ocean Adventure Junior Keepers Gadgets & Gizmos
Week 2: June 16 – June 20 Gadgets & Gizmos Museum Medley Art Inventors Ocean Adventure Junior Keepers Nature Quest
Week 3: June 23 – June 27 Nature Quest Junior Keepers Museum Medley Gadgets & Gizmos Ocean Adventure Art Inventors
Week 4: June 30 – July 3** Art Inventors Ocean Adventure Junior Keepers Nature Quest Gadgets & Gizmos Museum Medley
Week 5: July 7 – July 11 Museum Medley Gadgets & Gizmos Ocean Adventure Art Inventors Nature Quest Junior Keepers
Week 6: July 14 – July 18 Junior Keepers Nature Quest Gadgets & Gizmos Museum Medley Art Inventors Ocean Adventure
Week 7: July 21 – July 25 Ocean Adventure Art Inventors Nature Quest Junior Keepers Museum Medley Gadgets & Gizmos
Week 8: July 28 – August 1 Gadgets & Gizmos Museum Medley Art Inventors Ocean Adventure Junior Keepers Nature Quest
Week 9: August 4 – August 8 Nature Quest Junior Keepers Museum Medley Gadgets & Gizmos Ocean Adventure Art Inventors
Week 10: August 11 – August 15 Art Inventors Ocean Adventure Junior Keepers Nature Quest Gadgets & Gizmos Museum Medley

**During the week of July 4, Camp CuriOdyssey will run from Monday, June 30 to Thursday, July 3.

Camp Themes

Art Inventors

Let’s make a mess as we explore how art is involved in all things STEAM! From learning how people and animals experience colors to creating art using gravity and natural materials, campers can express themselves in this creative and funky art camp. Campers will think like engineers or camouflage like the animals as they observe and explore our mixed-media art projects that use sticks, seeds, handmade paper, dyes, and more. The result is a fun, messy experience that is sure to delight!

Gadgets & Gizmos

Whizz! Bang! Splat! Design and launch rockets, create a marble roller coaster, and drop eggs off the roof! In this camp all about physical science and the engineering process, campers explore electricity, experience physics, and observe chemical reactions. Gadgets & Gizmos focuses on experimenting, learning from design failures, and discovering how the objects all around us work and why sometimes they don’t. If your child likes tinkering, this is the camp for them.

Junior Keepers

Do you have an aspiring future zoo keeper at home? If so, Junior Keepers is the perfect camp! Campers will experience a day in the life of a zoo keeper, hike around Coyote point to observe animals in their natural habitats, and have up close encounters with some of the CuriOdyssey animals. They will make animal diets, create animal enrichment, and understand and advocate for animal conservation.

Ocean Adventure

Come explore the mysteries of the ocean! In this new camp, we will learn about the physical properties of water and the creatures that call the ocean their home. Through engaging activities, campers will learn about the impact that people have on ocean life and how we can all pitch in to protect our coastal waters. From water quality testing to beach habitat exploration, campers will get hands-on with all things water!

Nature Quest

This camp is perfect for kids itching to get outside and discover science and nature through playful explorations of the world around them. Campers will explore different outdoor habitats to discover how the forces of nature, such as wind and water, shape the earth. From cliff climbing and nature hikes to building stick forts, campers will get the chance to be active while learning about conservation, ecosystems, and the natural world.

Museum Medley

Love Camp CuriOdyssey? Have an interest in all things STEAM but can't decide which camp to try? Check out Museum Medley, a camp that does a little bit of everything! From creating messy artwork or engineering cars to hiking to the marsh or observing our animals in the zoo, Museum Medley campers will get a taste of all our different camps.


Together we are creating a world-class science museum for tomorrow’s innovators. Help us make a difference.

Join the CuriOdyssey Community


1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
[email protected]

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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