Red-Eared Slider

This animal can be observed in CuriOdyssey's Garden Aviary.
Latin Name
Trachemys scripta elgans
History at CuriOdyssey
Our slider turtle was a former pet that was donated to CuriOdyssey in 2003.
Fun Facts about Red Eared Sliders
They are excellent swimmers, but spend a good deal of their time basking in the sun on logs, rocks, etc. They have poor hearing but good vision and are very sensitive to vibrations. When startled or threatened, they will quickly slide off rocks/logs back into the water (hence the name).
What do Red Eared Sliders eat?
Their diet consists of aquatic plants, small fish, animal matter, vegetables. At CuriOdyssey, they are served smelt, aquatic plants and algae, worms, turtle pellets.
How long do Red Eared Sliders live?
In the Wild: up to 40 years.
In Captivity: 50-70 years.
Where do Red Eared Sliders live?
Their habitats include ponds, lakes, marshes, creeks, streams. Their range extends from native to southeast US, but found all across the US.
Are Red-eared Sliders endangered?
They are very common and widespread; in some areas are considered pests and invaders because they are aggressive and out-compete native species for food and space.
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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434