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CuriOdyssey will close early today at 3 PM on Sunday, March 2, due to expected weather conditions.
Please continue to check our website and social media for the latest safety and closure updates


Northern Pacific Rattlesnake


Latin Name

Crotalus oreganus oreganus

History at CuriOdyssey

She was captive-bred at a private facility in Texas. She was transferred to CuriOdyssey in July of 2008.

Fun Facts about Rattlesnakes

Young rattlers leave their mothers at just a few weeks old, but when it’s time to hibernate in the winter, they follow their mother’s scent trail and use the same den. Future generations will also use the same den—some have been used for over 100 years!

Who would guess that rattlesnakes are good swimmers? They’ve been found several miles out at sea!

What do rattlesnakes eat?

Rattlesnakes' diet consists of rodents, birds, eggs, lizards, and amphibians. At CuriOdyssey, they are served mice and small rats.

How long do rattlesnakes live?

In the Wild: Has been recorded up to 20 years.
In the Captivity: 20 to 30 years.

Where do rattlesnakes live?

Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes' habitats include grassland, brush-land, woodland, and less dense parts of forests, usually where there are rocks. Their range extend in central CA up to Oregon and Washington, western Idaho, and British Columbia.

Are Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes endangered?

No special wildlife conservation status.

Sponsor me!

Your contribution helps provide my food, toys, and medical care. I’ll stay at the museum, and you’ll get a photo of me and a certificate as reminders of your generosity. Check out our Sponsor-an-Animal section and see all of our sponsorship levels.


Help provide for the care and feeding of our wildlife guests by sponsoring an animal of your choice for a year.

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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
[email protected]

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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