Dutch Rabbit

This animal is not on exhibit in the habitats.
It is one of our Animal Ambassadors and is used in public and school programs.
Latin Name
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Dutch Rabbit History
The two rabbits are both former pets that needed rehoming, born August 2020.
Fun facts about Dutch Rabbits
Dutch rabbits are purely a domestic breed. They are a small-medium sized animal with a compact body and large erect ears that are well furred. Rabbits are known for their long, strong hind legs and tend to hop rather than walk. Their feet contain long claws for traction and have fur on the bottom for warmth. Rabbits’ eyes are positioned on the sides of their heads so they can see danger approaching from any direction.
The inverted “V” of white fur on the rabbit’s face is called the “blaze.” White is always a base color for the Dutch rabbit, in addition to another color. The other colors of Dutch rabbits vary from black, blue, brown gray, chocolate, steel, and tortoise.
Rabbits are not rodents, as many people believe. They are lagomorphs, a group of animals that include rabbits, hares, and pikas. They differ from rodents in that they have 4 upper incisors, while rodents only have 2 upper incisors. Both have to gnaw on rough objects in order to file down their continuously growing teeth.
What do Dutch Rabbits eat?
At CuriOdyssey, their diet is rabbit pellets, Timothy hay, greens and grass.
How long do Dutch Rabbits live?
Lifespan of 5-8 years is average, although up to 10 years is not uncommon. Up to 15 years has been reported.
Where do Dutch Rabbits live?
The Dutch Rabbit is a domesticated rabbit. They have been bred as hybrids for many generations, and can now only be found as pets.
The Dutch rabbit is said to have originated in Holland and is one of the oldest breeds. The first spotted rabbits were recorded in the fifteenth century. In 1864 the English began breeding the Dutch into the rabbit we have today.
Are Dutch Rabbits endangered?
Dutch rabbits are now only bred as pets; they are not found in the wild.
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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434