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Green-winged Teal


This animal can be observed in CuriOdyssey's Garden Aviary.

Latin Name

Anas crecca

History about CuriOdyssey

Our Green-winged Teal had received a fractured wing in the wild and now only has partial flight ability. Donated from Sulfur Creek Nature Center in February 2015.

Birth Date

Hatch-date unknown

Fun Facts about Teals

They have a cinnamon colored head with an iridescent green eye patch, a pinkish breast with black spots, a yellowish tail strip, and a green patch on the wings. Breeding is from late April to early June. Females lay 6-10 eggs, one egg a day. Eggs are incubated for 20-24 dayes, young fledge at ~35 days.

What do teals eat?

Teals' diet comprises of vegetation, seeds and animal matter (insect larvae, aquatic invertebrates). At CuriOdyssey, they are served waterfowl kibble, chopped greens, and worms.

How long do teals live?

In the Wild: 10-20 years
In Captivity: at least 20 years

Where do teals live?

Prefer shallow ponds, wetlands and coastal marshes that have heavy vegetation, usually around parklands, forests, grasslands and meadows. Breeding grounds include Canada, Alaska and northern U.S.; winter grounds include Western U.S., Mexico and southern U.S.

Are Green-winged Teals endangered?

Green-winged Teals are common and widespread. Their breeding grounds are in areas that are largely untouched by humans so that has helped protect them.


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1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
[email protected]

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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