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Open 10 AM–5 PM on Monday, February 17 (President’s Day)!

CuriOdyssey will open at 11 AM on Wednesday, February 19.
See our Hours and Admission page for the latest closure updates.




Anne Campbell

Community Volunteer

Anne Campbell devoted her forty-year career to public education. She spent many years as a middle school teacher, counselor and principal. Anne also was a district-level superintendent in Portola Valley and Redwood Shores as well as serving two terms as San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools between 2010-2018. Environmental Education and Early Childhood Education are particular areas of interest.

Anne is active in the Rotary Club of San Mateo, serves on the Board of Reading Partners, and is currently Moderator of the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto.

An avid travel buff (when a pandemic isn’t raging), Anne always makes it to Book Group and is a long-time Stanford Women’s Basketball fan. She is married, has four children, three grandchildren, and a rescue dog, Taches, who makes sure two walks are part of every day’s routine.

Join the CuriOdyssey Community


1651 Coyote Point Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
[email protected]

CuriOdyssey is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax ID 94-1262434

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